
Please complete the form below. Once we receive your information, we will contact you and provide you with some information about how to get a referral.

Welcome !

Here at reset support service (#RSS) we understand exactly what you are going through and we want you to know that we get just how hard it was to take this first step. The Reset program has been running successfully for about 3 years. During that time we have made it our business to help men turn their lives around and end the domestic abuse cycle.

Our discussion groups are very informal and relaxed. There is no pressure on participants to be actively involved although participation is encouraged in order for you to get the most from the program.

How it works

Get a referral

All clients need a referral from the Queensland Police Service's Vulnerable Person's Unit.

Make an appointment

After we receive your referral we will contact you with an appointment time.

Attend Sessions

You will be notified of the starting date for your program. The program runs for 10 weeks and is held each Wednesday.

Happy Clients